February 22, 2014

PLEASE!!! write your names....

Photo: My heart bursts when I look at these...my boys are growing up!!!...and they have very similar handwriting skills (hehe)...Love being their mommy!!!

Lorenzo has been able to write his name for awhile now... I'd say at least a year!..Super proud...I get teary eyed and overcome with emotion everytime I see him write it!...He always makes sure he has all of his letters in...if he runs out of room he will cram them in anywhere!..I LOVE IT!!!

Tayshon....yup my Tater!!...he can do it, he can spell it, but "NO I CAN'T" is usually the response I get when I ask...If I hand him a pencil...He will say "together, I need together pllleeeeease"....awww shoot!...

So finally I resulted to positive reinforcement, some may call this bribery, I prefer positive reinforcement...$4.97 Lego train for each...

So it went like this "boys,if you write you name for mommy, I will give you a surprise!"
Lorenzo "OK mommy!! I will write it 2 times!"
Tater "I can't do it!"
Me "come on Tater for me?  I will tell you the letters to write."
Tater "OK PINE MA!...T...A...I need helps, TOGETHERZ"
Me "please Tayshon I love it when you write your name for me like a big boy"

and he did.......


February 21, 2014

The Drive Thru....

We went through the McDonalds drive through the other day...I started to order "could I please have a" cut off by Taters voice (with his window rolled down) "please a cheeseburger, two cheeseburger. NO pickle, I dont like pickle. Oragnge pops. Apple juices. OH and three chocolate chip cookies for Beebo brother. he lubs cookies"...I was so proud and embarrassed and laughing so hard!!!....LOVE MY LIL MEN!!